Yep. Even for things where we do have lots of docs,
i.e. Tektronix
gear, you will see things like such-and-such an IC is a linear
amplifier and the vendor is.... Tektronix. With no alternate
manufacturer part number listed.
Tektronix (and HP, and doubtless many others) did make custom analogue
ICs. I don't know who actually fabbed them, but they were a Tektroix
design, only sold to Tektronix.
So yes, that's a custom part. It probably isn't a standard part that's
been selected for some parameter. It happens. There are custom ICs in a
lot of machines, what of it?
Great! So how the hell do we know what to use to
replace such a
failed linear amplifier?
The sam as what you repalce a failed gate array chip with. The original
part, if you vcan get it (maybe off a dead board with a different fault).
Or you have to spend many enjoyable weeks workign out what it really has
to do and then design a replaement. FOr high-seped analogue, that is 'fun'...