Hoping someone may be able to help - I've rebuilt an old Commodore PC 5 (XT
compatible) back to working condition. Now the problem is getting anything
on to the machine. None of my current machines are capable of supporting a
5.25" drive (of any flavour) so I can't easily transfer using that method.
However, I have installed DOs 4.01 to the C= & it includes GW Basic & I have
linked up that machine & tyhe XP box via a null modem cable. So, all I need
is a simple terminal program on the XT & I'm pretty much in business.
Problem is, all the GW Basic sources I've found for term progs are simply
for text-based terms only, there are none around with simple transfer
abilities (ie XModem or Kermit).
Anyone have sourec available for a simple term program that'll at least gbet
me started by allowing me to transfer over smething better ?
Or any other suggestion ?
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