Here is my small collection
Commodore Busness Machines
Cbm 8296(i`m missing a 6545 or 6845 crtc IC and a new PSU for it)
Cbm 8032sk with comal80
Commodore vic-20
Serveral Commodore 64`s
Commodore 128
serveral 1541 and 1541II
8250lp dual floppy drive
8050 dual floppy drive
Commodore 500
Commodore 600
Commodore cd32
Commodore 1200
Commodore 3000 (my second work machine)
Commodore 4000 (the machine I`m using every day)
Commodore pc60II
philips g7000
philips odyssey 2001
Texas ti99/4a
2x zx81 with 16 and 64 memory expansion
amstrad cpc464 with 512kb memory expansion
Ibm 5160 xt
Rc Piccolo (Saddly its broken, have`nt be able to repair it yet)
Regards Jacob Dahl Pind
= IF this computer is with us now... =
=...It must have been meant to come live with us.=
= (Belldandy - Goddess First class) =