On 28 Jun 2007 at 23:06, Tony Duell wrote:
IIRC, cassette I/O went via a software interrupt (INT
15????). The
routines in later BIOSes (XT, AT, etc) returned without doing anything,
bnt since all said BIOSes supported extension ROMs, I see no good reason
why you couldn't have a BIOS extension and a little hardware to add
cassette I/O to the later machines, if you were insane enough to want it.
Now you're being pedantic, Tony! i'm not aware of any stock plug-in
adapter that gives one 5150-style cassette I/O on a 5160. I might as
well claim that I could run Windows XP on a 5160, given the right
hardware and software additions.
I stand by my answer.