In 1981, down
by Fisherman's wharf (SFO), a friend and I got
our "picture"
taken via video capture software. The image was
printed out via a
"commercial" quality dot matrix printer (it was capable of fairly large
sized print outs). From a distance, the "picture" quality was striking.
What hardware and software were used for this process? Does anything
similar currently exist?
I don't know what equipment was used where you went, but a family
friend had one of those setups when I was a kid (c. 1979). His was,
IIRC, attached to his Ohio Scientific Challenger III (that was trashed
when he loaned it to a local youth group for a fundraiser :-( ).
I second the OSI nomination. A couple of years ago, one of those machines
sold on ebay. I was struck by the look of the machine. It was a tan/brown
metal chasis, similar to a C1P but with a bigger back end. It also looked
like it had the same keyboard layout. I had never seen any other machine
that used the OSI keyboard layout. I intended to bid on the lot but forgot.
I emailed the winner, asking him if he would let me know if it was, in fact,
OSI hardware. He replied, saying that he would when he received the unit,
but never did.