A while ago there was brief discussion of adding search and moderation
capability to the list, and eGroups was mentioned. Somebody posted "don't
use eGroups - it's terrible" or something to that effect. Well, as
maintainer of a mailing list, about slide rules, I thought I'd give it a go,
despite the warning. So I did.
What can I say? It's great. A little blurb at the bottom of each posting
(like a .sig), but other than that I have extensive moderation capability,
membership listings, privacy for members emails, and a FULL SEARCH
capability, statistics on visitors and more. I have not noticed any spam
eventuating from my creating/joining this list. I'd heartily recommend
egroups for this list.
I think that this list so desperately needs a search capability on the
archives. eGroups does this gratis. I'd really like to know WHY the other
gent canned it so mercilessly as nothing but trouble. Best thing that I've
used, as a list maintainer, since sliced bread.
The sliderule list, btw, is [sliderule]. Visit
http://www.egroups.com/list/sliderule to play around with the search stuff
and/or join my list. Currently we're discussing a recent comic involving
Bill Gates in bed with Ookie, his slide rule. No kidding. Oh, and slide
rule lubrication.
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