On Mon, 18 May 2009, Michael Hart wrote:
I just checked e-bay for what is being asked of an IMSAI-8080 that is
not fully tested, no floppy drives and from what I can tell only has one
They are asking near $4000.00
So whomever takes my offer will be getting a gem for of a system at a
bargain price of $2000.00
Anyway you have until Wednesday morning until I place it on e-bay.
Speaking as someone who has sold a few IMSAIs on Ebay, here's my take on
it. $2000 for a known-working IMSAI-8080 with peripherals is a very good
deal. I sold a machine with a CPU and a defective memory board (noted
that fact on the auction page) for $1700. With all the goodies you're
tossing in, it's a steal.
Regarding shipping something like that? I've found that the best way to
do it is get a roll of bubble wrap with the 1-inch-across bubbles. Wrap
the thing with enough to turn it into a marshmallow. Put that in a box
with at least six inches of clearance all the way around, then fill with
styrofoam peanuts. I've done this with IMSAIs, Altairs, and an AT&T 3b1
-- no troubles reported.
Anyhow, I'm not interested as I already have my dream IMSAI. My storage
unit can't take much more. Someone, please give that machine a good home.
David Griffith
dgriffi at
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