I saw no mention of Palm's PDA line (Tungsten,
Lifedrive, etc).
Judging from Palm's reasons given in the article, they wanted Wince's
improved voice and call management features. I doubt very seriously
that Wince will be "appearing on a Lifedrive near you."
My issue is the motivation. Palm said they were doing this in order to
extend the Treo's marketshare to people who would otherwise bought a WinPhone,
but I think all this will do is fraction the Treo market so that neither the
PalmOS nor the new WinCE handsets will benefit.
I found Windows Mobile very hard to navigate in, even though (and I speak as
a Mac bigot, so grain of salt where needed) I did try to give Microsoft a
fair shake when I was in the market for a PDA. I found the interface clunky,
busy and tried to do too much. The m505 was much simpler to navigate and
operate, and I went with Palm.
I have seen little improvement in Win Mobile's usability.
---------------------------------- personal:
http://www.armory.com/~spectre/ --
Cameron Kaiser, Floodgap Systems Ltd * So. Calif., USA * ckaiser at
-- Ignorance, always loud in argument. -- Charlie Chan ------------------------