It was thus said that the Great "Clint Wolff (VAX collector)" once stated:
Hi Jeffrey,
The file system formats are probably different, and you won't be able
to mount the drive.
Your best bet is to just attach the drive, and read the RAW device with
a quick/dirty C program that looks for the string
"root:abcdefghijklm:0:0:" and replaces it with
The basic idea is to replace the encrypted password with either nothing
(if allowed) or an encrypted password you know.
If you do this, there are several things to keep in mind:
1. The password format is:
userid : password : uid : gid : real name : directory : shell
(of course, there are no spaces, one entry per line). If you do that, you
need to make sure that the replacement string is the same size as the
original string else you may not be able to log in at all.
2. The root account is ALWAYS the first one in the file (on the one
occasion it wasn't the system behaved very oddly). So you can increase the
speed of the search by checking for ``root:'' at the beginning of each disk
block and going from there.
-spc (And remember---always remember to mount a scratch monkey ... )