On 5/17/07, Rod Smallwood <RodSmallwood at mail.ediconsulting.co.uk> wrote:
OK we have a change
PMI memory goes in slots 1 and 2, CPU goes in 3
joe lang
From my understanding of this after looking at various
manuals this is
true for an 11/73 or 11/83 with an H9872 backplane in a BA23 box,
not for an 11/84.
Figure 8-6 in EK-PDP94-MG-001_Sep90.pdf shows a PDP-11/84-A backplane
with the MDM M7677 in the MDM slot, the KDJ11-BF M8190 in slot 1, a
MSV11-JB/JC M8637-BA/CA in slot 2, and a MLM load module M7556 in slot
3. Not clear to me if the MLM in this case could be replaced by a
second MSV11-J.
The 11/94 backplane shown in figure 1-2 in EK-PDP94-MG-001_Sep90.pdf
shows a KDJ11-E M8981 in slot 1, an APS module M7914 in slot 2, and
slot 3 empty. Does anyone know for certain that this backplane it
compatible with MSV11-J modules, and if so in which slots they would