On Jun 10, 2009, at 7:05 PM, Warren Wolfe wrote:
I wonder how many Farads a car battery helds Nico
If you empty it out and fill it with capacitors, it will hold a
few megafarads at 2 volts.
Erm... I doubt this. I saw a 2 farad cap at a surplus place in
Lima, Ohio. It was rated at 12 volts, and looked like a sawed-off
oil drum. I think there's some sort of square-cube thing going on
here that makes ever-increasing values of capacitance ever huger.
Urr? I've got a bag of 0.5F 5.5V capacitors in my parts stocks.
They're about 0.5" in diameter and 0.25" tall. Times have changed.
Dave McGuire
Port Charlotte, FL