On 06/05/2012 01:15 PM, Fred Cisin wrote:
> I am
cognizant of the differences, and the sloppiness of the terminology,
> and CHOSE to attempt to reply to the original poster using the
> terminology that he had used. I do have sample diskettes from hundreds
Tue, 5 Jun 2012, Christian Corti wrote:
So he won't be able to learn the correct
terminology as soon as possible.
PLEASE select SHORT and ACCURATE (mutually
exclusive) terms for the types
of 5.25" drives.
SERIOUSLY. We are giving each other hell over sloppiness and
inexactitude in the terminology, but WHAT terms could be used, instead,
that are accurate, but short enough that people will actually USE them?
"Drive type 7" (for FLOPPIES!) did NOT catch on. (That was an attempt in
I don't like that either... ;) Its PC specific and lacks precision
as PC do just about anything that suits them (designer).
My HB system has:
5.25", two sided, 96tpi, 300rpm.
It's formating the media as:
MFM 250kb/sec, 9 sectors, 512bytes sector (low data rate mode)
MFM 500kb/sec, 9 sectors, 512bytes sector (high data rate speed mode)
organized as:
(low mode)
Cylinder 0 and cylinder 1, reserved as system boot track (CP/M)
track 2 through 79 side 0 and 1 as data/directory
data storage formatted 360kb
OR( High mode)
No reserved tracks as system boot track (CP/M)
track 0 through 79 side 0 and 1 as data/directory
data storage formatted 737kb