technology that I was unfamiliar with, I etched a
single-sided PCB with
pads for both types of ICs and interconnected them with #24 enameled magnet
wire. I got as far as building a working 8-bit ALU with 2 registers, but
Over here there were wiring systems solder under the brand names of
'Verowire' and 'Road Runner'. You had a 'pen' which contained a
spool of
enammeled copper wire, the enammel was designed to melt at soldering
temperatures. You soldered the ICs/sockets/etc onto square pad board, and
rand the wire between the pins. soldering as you go.
The verowire tool was much nicer as it had a metal tip. The road runner
tool tended to melt if you weren't careful.
It was not really suiable for production (far too slow, and not
mechancially robust), but it worked well for prototyping (up to at least
FAST speeds if you used a ground plane board). I've built a lot of stuff
using it.