Hello !
Some days ago I send an inquiry about the way to format one
RD52 Hard Disk attached to one DILOG DQ614 board. This board
treat one MFM disk like up to FOUR RL02 Hard Disks. It appears
to have one ROM accessible in the address 775000 (in one
PDP-11/23 PLUS), and I can access it, appearing the '*' prompt
of the rom, but nothing more.
Well, by courtesy of Mr. Nils Holm I know actually that I need
one program that works under RT-11. This program is named DQ6140.
I hope this could be an answer to all these members of the list
who have one DQ614 and don't know how to put it to work.
Oh... If somebody wants a prepared disk with a copy of this
program and other utilities, the price that was quoted to me
some days ago is of 605.- Euros.
Yes, you have read perfectly: 605.- euros.
The unique obscure matter is this: the RD52 (in my case) must
be jumpered like DS0. I reviewed the disk and it only has the
jumpers: 'DS1', 'DS2', 'DS3' (this is actually selected),
and 'A'.
There is another point that I must clear that appoint about
jumper to board to access RL unit 0 on disk 0... but this last
matter is easy.
Finally, I must appoint that RT-11 and Unix detect that exists
at least one DL0 and one DL1 in the system, but they can't access
the 'bad sector info'. In the case of the DL1, Unix BSD2.11 ask me
for the 'CSR'. What is this, Gurus :-) ?
Greetings and Best Regards from Spain.