It would help rather more to know what kind of printer
it is. The fact
that it's a DECmate narrows down the range of possible printers somewhat,
but really isn't enough.
Although I'd strongly recommend that anyone still using a DECmate for real
work give some serious consideration to moving to something a bit more
modern, like WordStar on an IBM XT. The DECmate is a nice toy (I have
several), but if it breaks you're pretty much S.O.L. Several people have
written me asking if I could recover valuable data from their broken
DECmates, but they didn't feel like paying my consulting rates.
I recommend WPS-PC or WPS-80 on a Rainbow or DEC Robin (VT180).
Nothing (and I'm a big WordStar fan) is as nice (and easy) to use for straight
word processing as a DECmate type machine with a DEC WPS style