Would anyone be interested in working on an IBM S/36 emulator for Linux?
I'm not a S/36 guru, but I have several, one 5363 up and running and about
10 years of experience hacking C (please don't throw any gimpelesque C
programming problems at me, I'm not up for it right now <g>).
I'm not ready to roll yet, but if anyone's interested I can start gabbing
about it and collecting info. I want to install and play with a couple of
the emulators that are floating around out there as well as collect
information on the instruction set, etc.
As far as periphs are concerned, we can get lift the OS (SSP) and microcode
(if it's even needed) off a 5.25" set of the distribution diskettes from a
standard PC floppy drive. I don't even want to think about 8", although it
could be done with the the Microtech FDC and a driver.
Just a thought.
Dave Wollmann