While I wait for PROMs to arrive for my 11/05 I've pulled another
"back-burner" project off the shelf.
It's an Interact Model One (
http://oldcomputers.net/interact.html) and
it's having power supply issues.
The symptom: At initial startup after being off for any significant
period of time (say, 10 minutes or longer) the +5V comes up for 2-3
seconds then drops to zero. The other supplies (+/- 12V) are fine.
I am goign to assume that the service manual on that site applies to your
amchine, nd that the schematics in said manual are therefore helpful.
The poser supply is quite simple. The wallwart is, as you suggest, almost
certainly jsut a transformer 9Well, maybe fuses too, we can always
hope...). The outp[uts are bridge rectifierd, smoothed and fed to 3
terminal regulators to get the regualted votlages for the rest of the
When you say the 5V soems up fro a few seconds if the machine has been
off for some time, does that mena if you then power cycle it the 5V lien
comes up and stays up? Or waht?
I would start by checkign the input to the 5V regualtor (probably a
7805). Yoiu need abotu 8V there to get the 5V output. Does that come up
and stay up?
Then try lifitng the output lead of the 7805 (look at a data sheet to see
whic hthat is, and whatever you do make sure the common lead -- the one
in the middle -- si correctly ocnencted . If not the machien will get the
unregualted inptu votlage -- OUCH!), and connect an ammeter in sereis
with it -- +ve side of the ammeter to the 7805 output lead and -ve side
ot the track on the PCB. Power up, What sort of current do you see? Is it
excessive (more than 1A)? If so, you have a short somwehre.
Otherwise the 7805 iteslfe is a liekly suspect. They are cheap and easy
to find. But those 3 terminal regulators ahve an interesting property that
cuaught me once. If at switch-on the output pin is -ve wrt the common pin
(it can happen), the thign will shut down. Is it possible the -12V supply
is coming up first and due to some problem the 5V rail is going
momentarily -ve?