On 02/12/14 1:45 PM, Holm Tiffe wrote:
C is much like Assembler, you should know what you really want todo. The
comiler let you do all kind of things with the assumption that you know
you are doing. This is a programming language for system programming
purposes (written to write Unix) where you have to load unusual registers
and such things...
Less than 5% of the *kernel* is at that level, and NONE of userland. The
rest needs as much static checking as it can get (which is where C and
"worse is better" entirely fails people doing "systems
Viz: Thousands of CERT notices.
Toby you just have to write pascal or ada compilers for all that small
stuff most people have todo with today.
I'm sure programmers will use it then.
It isn't the question if you like C, the question is what you get to
write programs for devices and I'm really don't want to programm
embedded things with ARM or MIPS kernel entirely using assembler...