I recently read somewhere that around 150 AGCs were
built, and about 75
used in space. I'm very skeptical of that number, but it does makes me
wonder how many of them were involved in each mission. Assuming that
they were also used on Apollo-Soyuz and the Skylab missions, that makes
about 16 missions, so they would have had to use about nearly five per
mission to accout for 75 of them.
Unknown, however it's possible.
I was of the impression that they were designed for a
tight fit in an
odd-shaped space in the command module; was the same computer used in
the lander as well, or in other parts of the spacecraft?
I've seen the command module and the LM versions and they are parctically
part of the structure and depend on it for conductive cooling. The CM and
LM machines are of similar design but not the same. The basic
requirements and design window account for them being very similar.