On Tue, 20 Sep 2005, Chris M wrote:
yeah do both if you can. But create the entire disk
image FIRST. Sometimes you don't get a second try...
Good point.
A nice hack would be a cgi script that *mounts* the CP/M image for
FTP access to the disk-image contents:
ftp://url/path/IMAGES/DISK99 # points to sector image
ftp://url/cpmfiles?i=DISK99 # contents of DISK99
cgi cpmfiles takes one arg (i) that's the image to mount.
Then you could have it all; and there would be no chance
for the files to get out of sync.
This could be generalized on Real OSs such that
$ cpmfile DISK99.img --extract
(where DISK99.img is a CP/M image file) extracts
leaves it laying about.
All sorts of obvious creeping featuritis comes to mind:
$ cpmfile *.img --list
I hand-wave CP/M diskette geometry issues as obvious (--geom