I'm looking for information on the OHIO-DOS
Has anyone some sources, programs or historic info
on this OS for the 6502?
Right now I'm rebuilding an 65816 system (EC65K) which
was published in 1986 by Elektuur/Elektor and was running
OHIO DOS 65D V3.2.
Ohio Scientific Instruments (OSI) had a 6502 OS in the late
1970's and early 1980's called OS-65D. They were bought by
MA/COM (sometimes mistyped as MA-COM) who carried on for a
couple of years. I don't know whether they licensed it to
any other vendors, but you might Google for OS-65D. Also,
OS-65U was their multi user OS. I'm a "fan" of OSI, if it
turns out that this is the OSI OS, I would be interested to
know the story of Elektuur/Elektor and how the old (and to
be honest, rather crude) OS was being used in 1986.
Bill Sudbrink