Jay West wrote:
Al wrote...
I have a HUGE softspot in my heart for the TRS-80
Model I, having
purchased a 16k, Level I unit in December of 1978. A unit, I still own
That's the one system I don't have in my collection that I'd
really like
to - a TRS-80 model I with tandy monitor and perhaps the expansion unit.
I never owned one, but a lot of my friends in the late 70's timeframe
did and we always fought about if my Apple ][+ was better than their
TRS80 :)
That must have been a short argument. I used both a lot in high school.
The model I was unreliable in the extreme. The model III's were much
better in that regard.
Level I BASIC that was the low-end option of the Model I (and only
option originally) was a slightly improved Palo Alto Tiny BASIC.
Mechanically and esthetically, the Apple II case was vastly superior.
For I/O, the Apple was vastly superior. For graphics, the Apple was
vastly superior. Both had MS BASIC, which was a wash, but the various
TRS-80 DOS's were much better than Apple's DOS (at least as of 3.3,
which was the last version I used).
Nevertheless, the Z80 is nearer and dearer to me than the 6502.
I still have the source code for a couple of the asm programs that I
wrote for the TRS-80. One was a fancy pong, the other was a symbolic
differentiator I did as a calculus project. Mathematica is slightly ;-)
more powerful, but mine came first.