I think I still may have a copy of the Great Softwestern pcb layout addon for AutoCAD.
The first board I ever did on a computer was on AutoCAD Ver 1.x
I plotted it in ink at 2x to mylar and the pcb house worked from them.
Just my .02
On Mon, 11 Dec 2006 22:24:32 -0700, Richard wrote:
We have the chips produced from earlier eras, but what
attempts have
been made to preserve the design tools from those earlier eras?
Schematic Capture
PCB Layout
Netlist Tools
IC transistor-level design
IC gate-level design
I know several of you out there have microprocessor
environments from Intel and TI, IIRC. Ditto for things like PROM
What about the design software? I imagine the first
generation of EDA
software was created in-house by pioneers of VLSI design. But what
about when the tools started to become commodities? What about early
releases of software from a company like Mentor Graphics?
"The Direct3D Graphics Pipeline" -- DirectX 9 draft available for download
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