On 7 November 2012 14:35, Cindy Croxton Electronics
Plus <sales at elecplus.com> wrote:
I am going to show my ignorance here, but would a
M0437 be of any use?
I have 2 of them... See here for pic and description
No, I'm afraid not. That is for connecting Macs with onboard Ethernet
that uses Apple's weird connector to more standard cabling.
It's not actually an Ethernet adaptor in its own right, which adds an
Ethernet interface to machines which don't have it already.
The AAUI connector is basically Apple's miniaturized version of the 15-pin
DA-15 AUI connector which was originally used for 10Base-5 ethernet.
External transceivers such as the M0437 are pretty much the same
internally as a generic AUI to 10Base-2 or AUI to 10Base-T transceiver.