On Tue, 5 Dec 2000, Mike wrote:
I was about to pass over an Apple IIgs at a local
thrift store but didn't
when I found a bunch of Sequential Systems cards in it. It's a rom 3 one
thats got a RamFast/SCSI board, a VGA card!, a 7mhz(I think) ZipGSX board
that displaces the gs's cpu by plugging into the cpu socket (and slotted
too). There's also another card (in the first slot on the left) that has an
eprom with a Sequential Systems label (SS, copyright 1993, rev QP290-BG)
and a connector (like one interface from a drive II card) that I don't know
anything about. It's nice using it with a VGA, and the zip makes a few of
the ][ games I have on hand unplayably speedy. I've got a hd with gs/os
that's momentarily unlocatable but I'm digging and hopeful. ;)
Lucky son-bitch. That's a bad-ass system.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger