On Mon, 20 Sep 2004, Cameron Kaiser wrote:
>> If I used hardware until it wore out I would
still be using
>> a 1200 baud modem! You have to upgrade some components because
>> the speed increase is
>> worth it, while still retaining the original machines ability to run
>> software it was intended to run.
They have 1200 Baud Modems???? Why? I get along just fine with my acoustic
coupler (although it is getting hard to find a telephone shandset that
Luxury. When I was a boy, we had to transmit using smoke signals *and* a
shofar for parity bits. And if we lost carrier because of a rainstorm,
our father would beat us with his strap and dance on our grave.
At least you had parity! Half the time we didn't even know what byte we
were receiving.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
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