I see this problem alot at hamfests. You can't blame them. They want
to bring what will sell and they're most likely to not have to carry
back home. They perceive no value to ancient computers so they assume
nobody else will either.
My answer is to print off fliers on my digital press saying that I have
a museum, collect old computers etc...and it doesn't hurt that I'm a
ham either. Then I hand these fliers out to all the tables and put a
stack up front for people to take. I've gotten a bit of S100 gear from
hams once they knew I wanted it.
Anthony Clifton - Wirehead
On Mon, 23 Feb 1998, Christopher Denham wrote:
Things are getting bad i just come back from a Radio
Rally ( Ham fest
to you lot across the pond ) 4 Hours walking around and did not pick
up one old computer , I only saw 2 two old computers in the show a
Dragon 32 and a BBC both in rubbish condition , as i already have a
few off these i did not bother . Nothing else except a few old 286
PC's and lots of new PC bits . It looks like its going to be a lean
year , It was only a couple off year ago that every Radio Rally and
Boot sale I came back with a Van load off old computers . Lets hope
the traders don't get to know old computers are getting rare and put
the prices up .