On Aug 20, 2019, at 9:28 PM, John H. Reinhardt
<johnhreinhardt at thereinhardts.org> wrote:
What version of the ADA manuals are you looking for? VSI has some for an Alpha Version
3.5 that they scraped off the HP site before they disappeared. I have some older VAX
ConDists that might have ADA documentation.
Some links that still work:
Master SLP/ODL Index 1997- 2017
Just Checked. I have the 1999 Q3 (Sept) SPL and ODL which should have VAX ADA V3.5
binaries and Documentation. Are there Hobbyist PAKs for them?
John H. Reinhardt
Here's the link the the VSI "Legacy" documentation page. The Ada there is
V3.5 for Alpha but if you want VAX I would think that it's close.
No comment. *facepalm*
John H. Reinhardt
Thank you for reminding me about the VSI page, I?d forgotten
about that, and grabbing the Ada manuals a few months ago. :-) I have some ConDists with
documentation, but like the PDF?s. With the PDF?s I can load them on my iPad and read
them while I?m flying.
I?m running the current version. The Ada license PAK has been part of the hobbyist
licenses since at least the 2nd hobbyist release, so about 20 years.