I hadn't
realized that on a PC w/ CGA that the light pen was getting
help from the CRT controller. That explains how a relatively simple
Yes. On most machines designed to have light pens, the CRT controller
does some of the work. The popular 6845, as I mentioned, has a lightpen
input pin. Incidentally, both the BBC Micro and the Sirius/Victor9000
The Commodore VIC-II also supports light pens in hardware. When the switch is
closed, the light pen registers in the chip latch at the current raster
position if light is present and an IRQ is generated. (In simplistic terms.
----------------------------- personal page:
http://www.armory.com/~spectre/ --
Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University * ckaiser(a)stockholm.ptloma.edu
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