On Friday, April 19, 2002, Fred Cisin (XenoSoft) wrote:
On Fri, 19 Apr 2002, Jeffrey Sharp wrote:
I would like to identify the book that was my
first book on computers,
with which I learned BASIC on a diskless TRS-80 Model II in the fifth
grade. The
Could you give us the YEAR, instead of your age?
Oops. 1988-1989. And it was the 4th grade.
Sure that it was a model II? (That had vertical 8
inch drives)
Oops. It was a Model III, diskless, with 4K RAM. I always cornfuse the II
and III. Maybe it had Level II basic. Maybe I just don't know what I'm
talking about.
book was
small, about the same size as a TV Guide but maybe twice as
thick. It had a blue cover, I think, with maybe a drawing of a TRS-80 on
the front. Does this ring any bells?
Most of the BASIC books that Tandy used were by David Lien.
So what's my book? I'd look on eBay, but that's in that half of the 'net
that is currently inaccessible due to my cable company's migration away from
Jeffrey Sharp
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