Hi all,
I've got a 5160 here with the XT keyboard - however it's got the 64/256K
motherboard fitted (with the "early" Jan '86 EPROMs), and Wikipedia seems
to claim that by the time the 64/256K boards came out the machines were
shipped with 102-key keyboards (the XT flavor of the Model M, I assume).
Anyone know if that's true, and so my system should technically have a
"full size" keyboard, or was there a crossover period where systems with
the newer boards shipped with the 83-key XT keyboards?
Everything else about the machine suggests it was built sometime '86 (dates
on the PSU, IC date codes on the expansion boards etc.), although it has a
20MB F/H IBM hard drive (rather than the H/H Seagates that I think the
newer systems got). There's no ID info on the underside of the keyboard
like there is on my Model M; I'm not sure if there should be.
Also, I'm missing the silver keyboard decal - I believe these just said
"IBM personal computer" like they did for the 5150, even though the 5160
case decal mentions XT. Does anyone have one they could pull from an
otherwise-junk keyboard that they might be willing to part with?