Hey folks. I'm going to be at the VCF East location as of early Friday
morning. I expect the exhibitors to start trickling in throughout the
afternoon. Anyone who intends to show up as a volunteer will certainly be
put to good use!
All the show details are on Sellam's site at
http://www.vintage.org/2006/east/ ... Since this is the first time I'm
running a big event, I gaurantee there will be some mistakes made.
Hopefully they'll be minimal. Whatever they may be, please just try to have
Having said that, if anyone's coming from out-of-town, then just ping me (or
post to the VCF BBS page or post on our local list at
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/midatlanticretro/)... The best part of a VCF
isn't the computers, it's seeing your fellow collectors.
Also, we some cool prizes. The top prizes are a Replica 1 (Apple 1) kit
from Briel Computers, and a Digi-Comp replica kit as
well. Both are
exciting so we'll let the best-of-show winner choose one and
we'll give the
other to a random attendee based on picking a ticket number from a hat.
- Evan
PS - some people are asking me what happened to the CCN - it'll return with
a revamped web site and a different format in May.