Hi back!
At 09:45 PM 9/14/00, Jim Davis wrote:
The west lab was restricted. You went down to the
focault area and headed
around the corner, to the far west end of the building, past the classrooms.
the door at the end of the hall was the west lab, Containing a real PDP-8,
the pdp-11/45 (rsts), and a bunch of other goodies.
Restricted? Well... ok, to the general unwashed... <G> I don't remember
ever getting any (ok, much) grief for being in there... Except maybe
after crashing the '45 trying to improve the idle sequences light flash
routine... B^}
Gamatron irraditor, liquid
nitrogen, lasers, tons of chemicals, a great collection of electronic junk and
a bunch of student projects. Had a desk in there for a year or so. Up in
a closet, I located that little gem. Played with it for months.
Was that the same closet where they kept the Votrax mainframe stashed?
Wish I still had my old OMSI software teeshirt. Rusty
Whitney and Dan
fouts? ran the place.
Where is Rusty these days? Last time I saw him was when I was invited to
participate on a computer education task force at OMSI some many years
back... Scary part was, he still remembered (and recognized) me... One of
the first things he said after hello was: "have you learned how to type yet?"
Terror: the time I plugged in a he-ne laser and it
shorted the 220 and 110 mains. It blew up the swap drum on the 8.
So that was you, eh? Dang, keep yer lasers away from the drives on my
8-I !!! B^}
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