On 25/04/07, Chuck Guzis <cclist at sydex.com> wrote:
I've been cursing my way through a load of
DC300XL/DC600A carts
written a bit over 20 years ago. They're mixed "Scotch" brand (blue
logo) and "3M" (red logo).
The "Scotch" ones have been an unmitigated nightmare.
Hmm... I've got a couple of DC600As in the back of the cupboard from a
system I was working on about 15 years ago .. I really ought to check
up on them. Need to find a drive at some point ..
While not directly relevant, ISTR that c.20 yers ago Scotch marketed
their VHS tapes over here with a lifetime guarantee, and the tag line
"re-record, not fade away" "you can watch scotch forever".
<http://groups.myspace.com/rerecordnotfadeaway> (I should still have
some of their VHS tapes that are 20 years old now .. really ought to
check on them....)
Did their data carts have the same guarantee??