On Sat, 25 Sep 2004, Geoffrey Thomas wrote:
The library at Alexandria ( I think it was ) was
destroyed by fire and a
lot of old knowledge in the form of scrolls was lost at that time .
What Happened to the Ancient Library of Alexandria
"The Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) is organizing an international seminar
on the Fate of the Ancient Library of Alexandria entitled What Happened to
the Ancient Library of Alexandria?, 26-28 September 2004, at the
Bibliotheca Alexandrina Conference Center, East Hall. The seminar will be
held within the framework of the Alexandria Project, a research project
initiated by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina for the study and documentation
of the Ancient Library of Alexandria, Alexandrian scholarship, and other
topics related to the history and civilization of ancient Alexandria.
"In adopting the fate of the Ancient Library as the seminar's main
subject, the BA aims at presenting afresh, a highly specialized
discussion and analysis of main sources in their original languages,
related to the diverse aspects and episodes of that long disputed topic."
If you're going to be anywhere near Egypt this weekend then this would
probably be a really cool seminar to attend.
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