On Mon, 8 Jun 2020 at 21:24, Ethan O'Toole via cctalk
<cctalk at classiccmp.org> wrote:
There are some killer upgrades for the A500 that give it ~40mhz, 8MB of
RAM and hard drive via SD or CF cards. These upgrades might run $150-$200,
not bad compared to the flash cards that cost $120 for many systems or
say, the CF disk only for the Apple II @ $120ish.
Maybe worth mentioning one of the more extreme non CPU Amiga upgrades
- the zz9000, which is expensive at ?349.00, but has quite an
impressive set of features. List from
https://shop.mntmn.com/products/zz9000-for-amiga-preorder for those
who just prefer to read the damn text rather than bother with links :)
* RTG: Up to 1920x1080 FHD screen resolution at 8bit 256-colors
"Chunky", 16bit or 32bit color depths. (1920x1080 at 16 bit, all other
resolutions up to 32 bit).
* Enhanced VA2000CX Amiga native video passthrough functionality with
AGA support (scandoubler with interlace flicker-fixer)
* Dual 666MHz ARM Cortex A9 coprocessors to offload computing tasks
like JPEG, MP3 decoding and graphics acceleration
* Ethernet interface: Get your Amiga online
* USB port supports USB mass storage devices. The driver allows you to
access USB sticks from workbench.
* SD Card interface (for firmware updates, not currently usable from AmigaOS)
* For Amiga 500, 2000, 3000 and 4000 (Zorro 2 and 3 compatible)
* Drivers, firmware and schematics are open sourced:
* Includes ZZ9000CX video slot capture card with cable
* Includes metal slot bracket
* Includes a minimal SDK with C examples for running ARM code from AmigaOS
* Important: To use ZZ9000 with Amiga 500, you need a Zorro II adapter
like Rob Cranley's Z-500 or the Checkmate 1500 Zorro adapter.
(Also has support for other operating systems for those that swing that way :)