* On Wed, Apr 02, 2014 at 05:56:08AM -0700, Al Kossow <aek at bitsavers.org> wrote:
On 4/2/14 1:26 AM, Seth Morabito wrote:
My concern is that I don't have the TCP/IP
driver diskette, so if
anything happens to the hard disk, that's that.
I'd strongly suggest dd-ing and archiving the raw disk.
Upon further inspection and general poking around inside the case, it
turns out that the 40MB model had been upgraded to a 67MB after-market
disk (complete with 1992 vintage WeirdStuff Warehouse stickers [1], no
less!) so there was plenty of free-space on the disk to do a full
backup in steps. I made tar files of each root-level subdirectory and
the kernel and hidden files in /, and FTP'd the tar files over to
another host. So all the files are now safe and backed up, though not
at the 'dd' level.
The fact that the disk is still alive is a small miracle. It had noisy
bearings at first, but they seem to have actually gotten better --
gunked up lubrication that needed running to sort itself out,
Also, as a follow-up, I now have a complete set of system software
disk images, including the Ethernet drivers, thanks to some generous
folks who pointed me at the right archives in hidden corners of the
internet, So, if the disk goes bad and I can swap in another one, I
can get it fully restored at this point. If anybody needs anything,
let me know.
[1] Bay Area natives will appreciate this