On Mon, 9 Jul 2001, Richard Erlacher wrote:
The discussion has become stupid, if only because
everybody complains,
yet I'm the only one, so far, that's presented a positive construct.
Everybody else just opposes whatever anyone else says. What does that
tell you?
It tells me that you're a fucking moron if you really believe what you are
espousing appeals to anyone other than closed-minded, rectum lechers like
The discussion WAS stupid the moment you contributed your typically
non-sensical drivel. The only thing you've done so far is annoy the fuck
out of everyone here.
Why don't you shut the fuck up already?
There's a wide range of what folks perceive as
reality. At one
extreme are folks like me who think the law should be strictly obeyed,
If there are more of you then I hope you all stay hidden in the shadows
like the vermin you are.
and at another extreme are guys like Sellam, and
he's not alone in
this, who believe that everybody should do what he, Sellam, wants.
You complete tool. How far up your ass did you reach to get this one?
There are probably other, equally extreme positions.
however, there must be a common ground. The trick is for people to
look for that common ground rather than trying to go off by themselves
to do what they want, irrespective of anyone else's rights.
The trick is to prepare a party for the day you depart this earth so that
we have something positive to occupy us, and look forward to, while you're
still here.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger