My soldapult is probably 30 years old now, originally bought by my dad. Works great.
Paul Anderson -- VE3HOP
On 2012-10-14, at 7:13 PM, Chuck Guzis <cclist at> wrote:
On 10/14/2012 03:38 PM, ben wrote:
Go the BIG money, you need both a temp controled
iron and a built in pump
using compressed air.
I have no idea what it called, but they are a joy to use.
Not for me, at least not the Weller ones--the ones that run from plant air and have a TCP
tip with a glass reservoir stuffed with glass wool. I found that a plain old Soldapullt
works better.
That being said, there are some eBay sellers with a rig consisting of a 40W hollow-tipped
iron and a desoldering pump built into a single unit--and that can be operated with a
single hand. I think I paid about USD$25 for mine and I like it very much. Like any
desoldering iron, you have to take care to keep it tinned.