On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 12:37:19PM +0100, MG wrote:
On 27-feb-2013 2:35, Diane Bruce wrote:
The VT100 could not keep up with full speed 9600
baud. The back of
the VT100 manual has a table of how many nul chars you need per baud rate.
Well, I have never owned or used a (real) PDP-series system. (I was
also born long after their heyday.)
*laugh* The important thing here is to solve the problem, not worry
about age differences. ;) I do have a copy of a VT-100 manual downstairs
somewhere, and I do recall it stating number of nuls per baud rate to insert
or suggesting the use of flow control. I am sure a copy of the manual is
online if anyone is really curious.
I do remember being very disapointed at the time I first read this
some time (*cough*) ago, as the framebuffers of a modern PC were still
a few years away. We all treasured serial speed, as that was the way
things were done. Having a terminal claiming it could run 9.6K was nice
but disapointing it could not actually keep up.
Heh the wikipedia article shows it was running an 8080
I owned one working Volker-Craig terminal and several more parts ones.
I gave them all to a member of this list.
It seemed to run a tad faster than the real VT100. I seem to recall
spotting a Z-80 on that board.
- MG
- Diane
- db at
FreeBSD.org db at
db.net http://www.db.net/~db