Okay... I'm getting accustomed to the VMS directory
structure, and have
Dir dka0:[000000...] ;)
even installed a few apps from one of the CD's,
which (of course) failed
the tail-end of the install due to my not having a DECUS membership number
yet (pending) or VMS hobbyist license (also pending, and will get right
after DECUS gets back to me.)
Not failed, just not licensed.
Now, will that license be good for anything I install
as far as software,
or will I have to get a license for every type of program I want to run? (I
sincerely hope the former... ;-) Mainly, I just want to do some C and
BASIC programming for now.
that license covers a set of programs that happens to be on the hobbiest CD
including C, Pascal, TCP/IP networking and a bunch of other things.
VMS itself includes a fairly nice editor (TPU) and a raft of goodies. With
(command language{script}) you can do most anything.
And one other question which I've not found or
figured out myself... How do
I get a directory listing of *just the subdirectories*? I've figured out
how to search for a particular filename or extension recursively thru the
subdirectories, but what's the VMS equivalent to DOS's dir /ad or linux's
ls -lAF|grep '/$' ???
{there are lexical functions in DCL with would do things that grep can do}
Dir *.dir works! Directories have the extension .DIR.
Dir [...]foo*.asm Will find anything in the current or subordinate
that match that pattern.
Dir [-]FOO??.A?M A ? is a single character wild card and the "[-]" says
the directory level above the current one.
VMS directories start at [000000] and decend from there. so dir
will get you the top level directoy of the SCSI drive on bus A with ID 3.
Help dir will get you info.
VMS is known for the rather rich set of operators that modify the basic
My favorite device modifier...
Set device=flamethrower/temperature:plasma
You get the picture.
I have a list of DCL functions, ailiases, and logicals that I use to make
things friendlier.
Most often used are:
UP same as SET DEF [-] {cd ..}
DO*WN decend to either list of availabile directories or create a new
{only one level down from current} same asCD FOO or
At some point once I have a web page going I should make the DCL scripts
I use frequently available as they can be handy.
No law says you can't create a ailias to do exactly what MKDIR, CD, REMDIR
and friends do in the unix world. Implement them in DCL and insert the
in the
login.com file.
Hint, system is a dangerous account like root. Create a user account with
some privs as a safety net. Also every account should have a
which is like a DOS autoexec.bat though DCL is more powerful.