On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 11:36 AM, Benjamin Huntsman
<BHuntsman at mail2.cu-portland.edu> wrote:
Anyone here have a VAXBrick, or know what a fair price
on one might be?
I've got a drop on one but the guy wants almost $2,000... I know they're rare
and all, but that seems a bit on the ridiculous side to me...
I could be totally wrong though. Any input is appreciated.
A VAX 4000-50 might be somewhat uncommon and demand some premium just
for being uncommon, but you can easily get a complete and higher
performance VAX 4000-500 system for less than half of that, and maybe
a quarter of that or less at times.
VAXstation 4000-50 Brick upgrade for MicroVax 3000 series or MicroVax
4000-200 systems