On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 10:58 AM, Jochen Kunz <jkunz at unixag-kl.fh-kl.de> wrote:
have to dump the EPROM contents (27512) in case anyone else has a
SQ3703A TMSCP controller they would like to try as an MSCP controller.
I would
love a pointer to this when you do it.
As I own a SQ706A I'd like to have this
too. The MSCP and the TMSCP
I dumped the SQ3703A (TMSCP) and SQ3706A (MSCP) firmware (27512) from
my two controllers boards (quad wide). This firmware is not
simultaneous TMSCP and MSCP. That would be the SQ3709. I have never
seen one of those and have no idea if it might actually be the same
board with different firmware. If anyone on the list happens to have
an SQ3709 I'd like to see a high resolution picture of one.
I also have examples of SQ703A (TMSCP) and SQ706A (MSCP) controller
boards (dual wide). These two boards have physically different
designs. I haven't tried swapping the firmware around on these two as
I had doubts that it would work. These two are also not not
simultaneous TMSCP and MSCP. That would be the SQ739, which I have
also never seen.
So anyway, I don't have anything interesting for your SQ706A.