I dug my GIGI out of the pile this weekend, during a visit to my stuff
in Kansas City. I notice it is running out 4 bnc's and recall that the
Dec monitor I had at one time had that sort of feed. Is it as easy as 4
of 5 wires (sync on green maybe) to get it going?
I suspec the original mnonitor was a DEC VR241. This is a TV rate (RS170)
colour monitor. The inputs are either RGB + composite sync on 4 BNCs or
RGB (Sync on green) on 3 of the BNCs, selected by a swtich on the back.
FWIW, i am pretty sure this monitor is actually a Hitachi design. The PSU
cicruit (in fact driven by the horizontal oscillator after startup) and
the thick-film hybrid module cotnainign he vertical defleciton system all
pint to this.
You say toyr terminal has 4 BNCs. Are these labelled in any way? It's not
unheard-of for DEC to have RGB (sync on green) on 3 BNC connector and a
separate monochrome composite video siganl on another connctor.