<> > have one model 100 that has no display when I turn it on, but after
<> waiting
<> > a few minutes, the display begins to show.
<> I haven't tried that. How long does that take?
<> > I am assuming you have tried
<> > both types of reset: 1) the reset button on the back, and 2) holding
<> > shift/pause while turning the machine on.
<> I tried the reset button, I didn't know anything about shift/pause.
<> What
<> does that do?
<> > Does the display show anything
<> > when the contrast knob is turned?
<> The contrast knob doesn't do anything . . .
Any machine that runs on nicads, they are suspect until checked for
leakage and charged. Often they develope internal shorts that render
them impossible to charge in the machine. Replacement is the best course
in most cases.