Rumor has it that M H Stein may have mentioned these words:
Boy, tough crowd!
So, do you guys go around to funerals in your spare time wearing funny
hats and
telling the bereaved mother that her son's untimely death is insignificant
to the starving kids in Africa, and besides, he would have died some day
And when someone suggests that's a bit inappropriate you deck 'em?
Not how I would have put it, but I do agree. (weird, eh?)
That said, if I can interject my own offtopic drivel here (everyone else is
doing it... ;-) it really is important to walk a mile in someone else's
moccasins before hitting the send button.
Me personally... (did you catch the "Me personally" part??? Just wanted to
emphasize that before you read what's next...) my untimely demise was
supposed to happen over 40 years ago. It should have happened a few times
since as well. I do *not* expect anyone to shed a tear _for me_ when it
finally does happen. Drink a beer, pity my kids, feel relief for my wife
(;-) but don't cry for me, revel in the years I shouldn't have had and the
lives I've at least tried to help during my (in the grand scheme of things)
minuscule existence on this orb.
That said, any non-expected (sudden) loss is the hardest to bear (again,
speaking from experience) and my heart goes out to the families & friends
of those who perished who are now shouldering that burden.
Inability to empathize is often the result of a brain
injury; had any bad
bumps on the head lately?
Ugh. I'd file the previous comments to a poor attempt at levity (to give
[minimal] credit where credit is due, at least they were ontopic - Guru
meditation, etc. and were centered on a malfunctioning mechanical device) I
find that comment just as tasteless as the comments before... do two wrongs
make a right?
To further the "poor attempt at levity" does anyone else here know the true
meaning of life? "It's a sexually transmitted disease that ultimately
results in death." That pretty much sums up how I view my life... but I
don't transmit that viewpoint to others', but someone else will prolly take
that snippet out of context. Now I can be loved & hated at the same time;
true balance has been restored.
Personally, I'll save my /true/ disdain for the Michigan State University
students that _got up and cheered_ when the twin towers went down.
Just teetering on the (prolly electrified) fence...
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger | Anarchy doesn't scale well. -- Me
zmerch at |
SysAdmin, Iceberg Computers