Still working with the IRIS- the power supply seems to be working now (replaced 4 paper
capacitors with polyester film), low ripple so I think I'm going to risk firing up the
computer. On to the Cipher tape drive with a damaged drive roller (the goo problem).
I'd like to get the original drive working eventually, but for now I want to make
sure I can back up the disks (if the stickers are to be believed, it has GL2-W 2.2 on
one). The tape controller is the standard Multibus Data Systems Design integrated
ST-506/floppy/QIC-02 controller, and I don't have much experience with QIC-02. I have
Wangtek 1/2 ht QIC-24 and QIC- 150 drives, and the manual for the -24. Is it likely that
one or the other will work with the DSD controller? What jumpers would I need to look at?
Is there a better way to backup this machine (don't have any other ST-506 interfaces).
I want to be able to do a backup first thing.