on 8/2/01 9:07 AM, Douglas Quebbeman at
In December 1983, I took a recent issue of some
PC magazine
into a Radio Shack, and showed them the Radio Shack ad with
a picture of Windows 1.0 (or 0.75?) running on a Tandy 2000.
I said this is what I want. They said we have the computer
but we've never seen or heard of Windows. What's that?
Windows 1 required a special driver disk, which had drivers for both the
digital mouse and the Model 2000's hires graphics adapter, to run on the
Model 2000. It is the only version of Windows that will run on the machine.
If anyone happens to have that driver disk though, which carried Tandy part#
7002611, I'd be interested in obtaining a copy. To the best of my knowledge
the driver disk was provided seperately.
Ok, count me in for one if they become available, I've
got a 2000 too!