Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
Recording TV shows to VCR to timeshift (ie, to watch
at a time other
than when the show airs), I believe there's case law saying that's
acceptable, at least in the USA - that's why the TiVo and its ilk are
Now I believe that's still illegal in the UK - but it's not illegal to sell a
device capable of doing it, it's just technically illegal for a user to
actually use it for that purpose.
*>> snip <<*
Andrews reply:
Actually Jules, afaik, it's perfectly legal to record whatever you want, since
everyone does it. However, expect to get sued etc. if you are caught selling illegal
copies, airing it in your own private cinema or airing it in public without the written
permission of the copyright holder/s.
I'm no legal genius, but thats how I think it stands. I may be wrong though...
Andrew B
aliensrcooluk at yahoo.co.uk
PS. If anyone is wondering why the messages I'm replying to don't have the
>'s at the start of each line, it's because Y! have auto-upgraded my email to
"Email Plus" which has this awful blue line down the left side in replace of the
>'s when replying. There is no way to change it afaik and thus once it is sent
there are no >'s to indicate what I am replying to.
I refuse to use Outlook Express until I get less than 500 emails in my Inbox (roughly 1200
at mo) as I don't wish to waste harddrive space - MS does enough of that with the
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