Brian Lanning wrote:
That's how the minimig is. Someone reimplemented
the amiga custom
chips and a 68000 in an FPGA. I believe the new c64 chameleon works
like this also.
I am a proud minimig owner. :)
The minimig is awesome. It was actually the inspiration for me to learn
verilog and FPGAs.
I agree. There's so much to learn and nowhere
near enough time. I'd
like to learn to weld also, but that's not likely to happen any time
soon either.
It's hard to really describe in words how DEEP and vast the FPGA world
is. You'd think that learning your HDL is sort of 90% of the work. But
it's really not true, learning Verilog is the easy part. :) The hard
part is learning how all the tools work together to yield the desired
I'll probably stick with tinkering with 6502
machine language. At
least I'm already equipped to do that. The learning curve should be
I've found that stuff straight-forward as well. Designing for FPGAs
definitely takes a different mindset. You don't really write code, you
design hardware. Practically everything is concurrent and simultaneous
--- so the concept of one instruction after the other simply doesn't
exist (for the most part). It's weird to see a block of code that,
ummm, is always running. I mean, always there. It's good and it's bad.
And your registers are always the exact size you specify --- doesn't
matter if it is 3-bits wide or 100 bits wide. And there's no
limitations except physical ones.....
My current project is going to use picoblaze (8-bit microcontroller core
) with hardware for a timer and time-critical things.